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Three Easy Ways to Make an Iced Coffee

Cold coffee Iced coffee

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Australia has a unique love affair with coffee. It’s not just a morning pick-me-up; it’s a cherished ritual, a social experience and a daily indulgence. While the majority still prefer to drink hot coffee, iced coffee has been gaining popularity in recent years. 

In fact, according to a survey conducted last year by marketing company Gitnux, over 40% of coffee enthusiasts in Australia have embraced the refreshing allure of specialty coffees, including iced coffee, as part of their routine. Not surprising if you’ve ever sampled the delights of an iced vanilla latte.

In this article, we’ll explore the art of making the perfect iced coffee, delving into three main iced coffee recipes and fascinating facts about coffee making. Whether you’re sipping it on a scorching summer day or simply craving a twist on your hot coffee, we’ve got you covered.

We’ll dive into three different methods: Japanese Iced Coffee (Espresso), Cold Brew, and Filtered Iced Coffee. So, grab your favourite mug, and let’s embark on this caffeinated journey with some great iced coffee recipes!


What is Iced Coffee?

Before we embark on our journey of creating the perfect iced coffee, let’s clarify what exactly constitutes this beloved beverage. Iced coffee is a chilled version of the classic hot coffee. It’s not to be confused with cold brew, which is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period. Iced coffee, on the other hand, is brewed hot and then quickly cooled down. This swift cooling process locks in the intricate flavours of the coffee while preventing bitterness. This is what makes iced coffee unique.


Three Different Iced Coffee Recipes to Make a Successful Iced Coffee


Japanese Iced Coffee (Espresso)

If you’re looking for a quick and flavourful way to enjoy iced coffee, this Japanese Iced Coffee recipe is an easy way to make iced coffee. This technique offers a unique twist to your regular iced coffee experience.

What You’ll Need:

  • Flavourful Grounds: Start with high-quality, freshly ground coffee beans. Opt for a medium grind for a balanced extraction.
  • Ice Cubes: Plenty of them. The ice is key to cooling down the hot coffee swiftly.
  • Coffee Maker: A reliable coffee maker with the ability to regulate water temperature is essential for this method.
  • Mason Jar: A wide-mouthed mason jar works perfectly for pouring and serving.


  • Measure and Grind: Begin by measuring out your coffee grounds. For a balanced flavour, aim for a ratio of 30mls of coffee for every 470 mils of room temperature water. Grind the coffee to a medium coarseness.
  • Prepare Your Coffee Maker: Set up your coffee maker with a filter and add the ground coffee.
  • Brew the Coffee: Brew your coffee using hot water, ensuring the water reaches between 195°F (90.5 C) to 205°F (96 C). The hot water extracts the rich flavours of the coffee.
  • Pour Over Cubed or Crushed Ice: Once the brewing is complete, immediately pour the hot coffee over a generous amount of ice cubes in a mason jar. This rapid cooling process ensures a smooth and aromatic iced coffee.
  • For an interesting variation, you can substitute the water with milk or a milk variation such as soy milk or coconut milk. For the really adventurous, we recommend you try using sweetened condensed milk.
  • Stir and Enjoy: Give it a gentle stir to incorporate the flavours, and your Japanese Iced Coffee is ready to be savoured.


Cold Brew

Cold brew coffee has gained immense popularity for its smooth, mellow taste. The cold-brewed coffee method requires a bit of patience, but the result is well worth it.

What You’ll Need:

  • Coarsely Ground Coffee Beans: Coarsely ground beans are a must for cold brew. They allow for a slow extraction process, resulting in a rich and smooth coffee concentrate.
  • Cold Water: Choose filtered water for the best flavour.
  • Mason Jar: A large mason jar or pitcher for steeping.
  • Coffee Filter or Fine-Mesh Sieve: To strain the coffee concentrate.


  • Combine Coffee and Water: In a mason jar, combine one cup of coarsely ground coffee beans with four cups of cold water. Stir to ensure all the coffee is saturated.
  • Steep: Seal the jar and let it steep at room temperature for 12-24 hours. This extended steeping time extracts the coffee’s flavours, resulting in a bold and smooth brew.
  • Strain: After steeping, strain the mixture through a coffee filter or fine-mesh sieve to remove the coffee grounds.
  • Serve Over Ice: Dilute the concentrated cold brew with water, cold milk or coconut milk and serve it over crushed or cubed ice. Customise your cold brew coffee with your preferred sweeteners, such as chocolate syrup or vanilla ice cream.


Filtered Iced Coffee

This method combines the best of both worlds, giving you a refreshing and nuanced iced coffee experience. Here’s a great iced coffee recipe:

What You’ll Need:

  • Ground Coffee: As with the Japanese Iced Coffee, measure and grind your coffee to a medium coarseness.
  • Coffee Maker: A reliable espresso maker with the ability to regulate water temperature is essential for this method.
  • Ice Cubes


  • Measure and Grind: As with the Japanese Iced Coffee, measure and grind your coffee to a medium coarseness.
  • Brew: Brew your coffee using hot water, ensuring the water temperature is within the recommended range.
  • Cool It Down: Allow the hot coffee to cool slightly for a few minutes.
  • Pour Over Ice: Fill a glass with ice cubes and gently pour the hot coffee over them. The ice rapidly cools the coffee, creating a crisp and aromatic iced coffee.
  • For a variation at this stage, pre-prepare and use coffee ice cubes.
  • Customise and Enjoy: Add your favourite sweeteners such as vanilla ice cream, vanilla extract, milk or alternative milk such as coconut milk or almond milk, and savour the harmonious blend of flavours. For some extra pizazz, add some decaf coffee crystals on top or a light dusting of instant coffee!
  • For that unbeatable taste combination, add chocolate syrup to achieve that much-loved iced mocha. It’s enough to make you love iced coffee.


Iced Coffee Machines

Iced coffee machines are specialised appliances designed to streamline creating perfect chilled brews. They come in various forms, from simple cold brew makers to advanced machines that can brew hot coffee quickly and then cool it down rapidly. 

These machines offer convenience and precision, ensuring a consistent and flavourful iced coffee every time. Some models also come with additional features like adjustable brewing strengths and timers for added customisation. 

Investing in a quality iced coffee machine can be a game-changer for coffee enthusiasts seeking a hassle-free way to enjoy their favourite cold brew.


The Benefits of Iced Coffee

Beyond its refreshing taste, iced coffee brings a host of intriguing benefits to the table. One notable advantage is that iced coffee, particularly cold brewed, is lower in acidity compared to its hot counterpart. This means it’s gentler on the stomach, making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive digestive systems. 

Additionally, iced coffee is a powerhouse of antioxidants, which plays a crucial role in protecting our cells from damage. It’s also known to be a mood booster, thanks to its ability to stimulate the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. This makes it a delightful pick-me-up on those sluggish afternoons. 

There is also evidence to suggest that drinking iced coffee can also reduce fluid retention, help regulate body temperature, and promote a feeling of fullness, which can help with weight management.

Moreover, iced coffee can be a welcome addition to fitness routines, as caffeine has been linked to improved physical performance by enhancing endurance and strength. So, not only does iced coffee offer a cool and invigorating sip, but it also provides a range of health benefits that make it a worthwhile addition to your daily caffeine fix.


Fascinating Coffee Facts

  • Origin of Coffee Beans: Coffee beans, which are technically seeds, come from the berries of the Coffee plant. These plants are primarily cultivated in regions known as the “Bean Belt,” which spans from the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
  • Coffee’s Journey to Australia: The first recorded introduction of coffee to Australia was in the late 1700s by Captain Cook. However, it wasn’t until the gold rush in the 1850s that coffee consumption took off.
  • The Magic of Caffeine: Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee that helps improve focus and alertness. It works by blocking the effects of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel tired.
  • The Power of Roasting: The roasting process is crucial to the flavour profile of coffee. Light roasts are roasted for a shorter time and at lower temperatures, preserving the bean’s original characteristics. Dark roasts, on the other hand, are roasted longer and at higher temperatures, resulting in bolder, smokier flavours.
  • Espresso vs. Drip Coffee: While both are brewed from the same beans, espresso and drip coffee differ in their preparation. Espresso is brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee under high pressure, resulting in a concentrated, intense flavour. Drip coffee, on the other hand, involves slowly dripping hot water over coarser grounds.


Australia Loves to Drink Coffee

Embarking on the journey of perfecting your iced coffee-making skills not only promises delightful moments but also brings forth a wealth of benefits. Whether you pick the swift Japanese Iced Coffee, the patient Cold Brew, or the harmonious Ice Filter Coffee, each method unveils a distinct experience for your palate, showcasing the depth of coffee’s versatility and the many iced coffee recipes available.

Furthermore, undertaking a nationally recognised barista training course can significantly enhance your coffee-making prowess. This comprehensive program not only provides hands-on experience but also imparts in-depth knowledge about the nuances of coffee, from bean selection to brewing techniques. 

It opens doors to a dynamic world of coffee culture, enabling you to craft exceptional beverages with confidence and finesse.

Moreover, this barista training equips you with a valuable skill set that is highly sought after in the vibrant café industry. With the surge in coffee culture, cafés are constantly on the lookout for skilled baristas who can not only brew a perfect cup but also curate a memorable coffee experience. 

Completing a nationally recognised barista course broadens your employment horizons, offering a competitive edge in a bustling job market.

So, don your barista hat, gather your ingredients, and embark on a journey that not only elevates your coffee-making skills but also opens doors to a world of exciting opportunities in the vibrant coffee industry. With every carefully brewed cup, you’re not just creating coffee; you’re crafting an experience that leaves a lasting impression.


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