*Our training is hands-on, practical, and tailored to the needs of each individual student*

Training & Assessment Policy


The Training and Assessment Policy is formulated in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, establishing clear guidelines for Skills Training College’s assessment system and processes across all qualifications within its scope of registration.

Scope and Application:

This policy is applicable to all current and prospective learners associated with Skills Training College. It governs the assessment system and practices for all qualifications delivered by the College.


Skills Training College’s primary mission is to provide high-quality vocational education and training programs to its learners. This policy outlines the conditions under which the College applies its assessment procedures to meet the requirements stipulated by national regulatory authorities and the relevant training package, qualification, and unit of competency evidence criteria.


The College is committed to applying this policy consistently and fairly across all course programs and for all learners.


Skills Training College acknowledges the importance of maintaining a robust assessment system that enables trainer/assessors to gather valid evidence and make dependable judgments regarding learners’ competence in relation to specified learning outcomes.

Assessment Methodology:

Skills Training College engages in extensive consultation with industry experts and subject matter specialists to inform the development of Training and Assessment Strategies (TAS) for the qualifications within its scope of registration. Each TAS includes a comprehensive description of the assessment tools and instruments used to collect evidence of learners’ competence.

The College utilises various assessment instruments and tools for each unit of competency, encompassing:

  • Written questions
  • Projects, assignments, case studies, and scenarios
  • Third-party reports

These instruments collectively cover all aspects of the unit of competency and enable trainer/assessors to gather all required evidence, as specified in each unit. The College’s resource development team also ensures compliance with foundational skills requirements and assessment conditions when creating or updating assessment instruments.

Learner Responsibilities:

Learners enrolled in programs offered by Skills Training College are expected to adhere to the principles of academic honesty throughout the learning and assessment process. All learners are required to:

  • Actively participate in the learning and assessment process for each unit of competency in their course program.
  • Accept assessment feedback from trainer/assessors in a fair, timely, and constructive manner.
  • Uphold academic honesty principles by avoiding plagiarism, cheating, and collusion, as defined in the College’s Academic Honesty Policy.
  • Complete and submit all specified assessments for each unit of competency.
  • Seek support from the College’s support team if personal circumstances may affect their ability to comply with any aspect of the assessment process.
  • Retain copies of all submitted assessment items for their records.

Trainer/Assessor Responsibilities:

All individuals involved in the delivery of training and assessment services on behalf of Skills Training College are required to:

  • Adhere to the College’s training and assessment strategies and timelines for delivering training and assessment for each unit of competency.
  • Provide necessary support to learners as needed.
  • Deliver timely and accurate feedback to learners regarding their assessment tasks.
  • Maintain accurate and secure records of learners’ assessment results.
  • Report on learners’ progress and results transparently and concisely, focusing on information relevant to the learner’s progress and assessment outcomes.

Completing Assessment in the College LMS:

Evidence plays a critical role in determining the outcome of assessments, as it substantiates that learners have acquired the specified skills and knowledge from the learning process. Learners are encouraged to engage with their learning material to confidently complete all required assessment tasks before proceeding to work placement.


All theory learning and assessment activities are conducted within the College’s Learning Management System (LMS) and encompass various question types, projects, assignments, and reports. In some instances, learners may engage in simulated role plays, which may require recording and uploading to the LMS. Learners must thoroughly review instructions and review their completed assessments before submission.

Practical Assessments Policy

At Skills Training College, our practical learning experiences are fundamental to student success. Students enrolled in courses with practical components must meet specific physical requirements for successful participation.

Physical Requirements:

Students must be physically able to:

  • Perform CPR manoeuvres effectively, including getting to the floor for simulations.
  • Demonstrate agility and mobility for tasks such as hazard identification, risk assessment, and safety measure implementation.
  • Displaying physical fitness and adherence to safety protocols, including the proper use of personal protective equipment.


Reasonable accommodations will be provided to students with documented disabilities or medical conditions. Students may bring a mat for comfort during CPR exercises.

Assessment Alternatives:

If a student is unable to perform practical demonstrations due to physical limitations, alternative assessment methods will be explored to evaluate competency.


In such cases, a statement of attendance may be issued, reflecting the student’s participation, but it does not imply competency attainment.


Students are encouraged to communicate their individual needs to enquiries@skillstrainingcollege.com.au.


By integrating physical requirements into our practical assessments, we aim to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success while promoting safety and inclusivity.

Submitting Assessments:

Learners must complete and submit their assessments directly through the LMS. After submitting an assessment task, learners cannot make changes until the assessment is marked by the trainer. Learners may continue to the next assessment task while awaiting the results of the first.


Placement Booklets (PB), and other assessments related to a learner’s placement are made accessible on the LMS once the College approves the placement. Completed PB documents should be submitted as one document via the LMS, with additional evidence included in the Third-Party Evidence Collection Evidence section.


Learners are responsible for retaining copies of all submitted assessment items. The College does not distribute copies of completed assessments or grant access to the LMS for downloading completed assessments after submission. 


Note: Learners must ensure all assessments are fully completed and submitted for marking before their submission end date.

Assessment Results:

Trainers will assign either a “satisfactory” or “not satisfactory” result for all learner-submitted assessment tasks. If all assessments for a unit of competency are completed satisfactorily, the learner is assessed as “competent.” A “not yet competent” result indicates that the learner has not met all learning and performance outcomes specified by the unit of competency.

Re-submission of Assessments:

Learners assessed as “not satisfactory” will have the opportunity to resubmit their assessments following feedback from their trainer. Up to three (3) submissions are allowed, including the original submission and two resubmissions.


In such cases, learners are expected to re-submit only the sections of the original assessment that did not meet requirements during their first attempt. Before the first and second resubmissions, trainers will provide additional support and mentoring to enhance the learner’s success in completing the assessment task.


If a learner fails to achieve a satisfactory result after the third submission, no further opportunities for reassessment will be provided, and the unit will be recorded as “not yet competent.”

Retention Requirements for Completed Learner Assessment:

Skills Training College is obligated to securely retain all completed learner assessment instruments for each learner for six months for domestic students and two years for CRICOS students from the date of competence judgment or last enrolled students completion or withdrawal.


Electronic records are stored in the learner management system, while hard copy assessment evidence is scanned and electronically stored or kept in a secure document storage area.


After six months for domestic students, hard copy records, except learners’ enrolment documentation, training and assessment results, and copies of issued testamurs, will be destroyed. The College maintains a certificate and Statement of Attainment register, which must be retained for 30 years.

Course Completion:

For Blended Courses: Blended courses will have an expiration of a three-month period from the date of the scheduled face-to-face course. After this timeframe, students will not have access to their course and will need to re-enroll into a new course. 


For Full Face-to-Face Courses: Full face-to-face courses will have an expiration of a one-month period from the date of the face-to-face course schedule.


This policy is implemented to maintain the integrity of the course structure and ensure timely engagement with the material. Additionally, it serves to encourage students to adhere to the course schedule and complete their coursework within reasonable timeframes. 

Course Upgrades:

Upgrade Fees: A $50 fee applies for upgrading between HLTAID009, HLTAID011, and HLTAID012 courses. This fee covers administrative expenses.


Full Course Attendance: Students must attend the upgraded course in its entirety to obtain the upgraded qualification.


Our policy ensures fairness and maintains training quality by covering costs and requiring full attendance for upgraded qualifications.

Late Arrivals

For courses lasting 1-3 hours:


  • Participants are expected to arrive promptly at the scheduled start time.
  • If a participant arrives more than 10 minutes late, they are encouraged to reschedule their session to ensure minimal disruption to the learning experience.


For courses lasting over 3-6 hours:


  • Timely arrival is crucial to the integrity of the course.
  • Participants arriving more than 20 minutes late are required to reschedule their session to maintain the quality and continuity of the learning environment.


This policy ensures that all participants receive the full benefit of the course content and fosters a respectful learning atmosphere for everyone involved.

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